Three Sustainable Habits
That You’ll Actually Keep in 2024
1. Freezing your food scraps prevents smells entirely! 🥶
Freezing your food scraps before dropping them off for community composting can be helpful for you and the composting process overall. This method not only eliminates any unpleasant odors and keeps pests at bay, but also helps to kick-start the decomposition process by bursting the cell walls of the food scraps, making it easier for them to break down.
2. Drop off your compost more frequently. 👩🌾
LA Compost offers numerous drop-off options, so why not make it a weekly routine? Dropping off your food scraps more frequently not only creates a sense of community but also reduces any unwanted smells in your kitchen and gives you less to bring to your compost drop-off of choice.
3. Finally, don't forget the carbon, also known as "browns". 📜
Carbon-rich materials such as leaves, twigs, and paper can be used as browns in your compost. These materials help the decomposition process by providing energy for microorganisms and aiding nitrogen protein synthesis. We especially recommend adding carbon if you keep your food scrap collection container outside or outdoors. Maintaining the right balance of carbon and nitrogen is crucial for bacterial growth and a healthy compost pile.
We hope this helps you turn over a new compost leaf this year! 🍂